With the news that Denmark has, again, been voted the happiest nation on earth thanks to good social welfare, great work-life balance and even better buns, I can’t help thinking the researchers missed something.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.telegraph.co.uk
In our busy lives how many of us take time to join clubs, or even create one? And, yet, Barbara Ehrenreich, in her her brilliant book, Dancing In the Streets: A History of Collective Joy, makes a convincing case for the collective release that comes from joining in happy, group activities. This can include singing, dancing, or joining a parade, such as the one Ehrenreich joined during Mardi Gras in Rio.
Apparently, Denmark is the country we should look to for ideas. Why not join a choir, or take a clowning class, or start a skating club? Getting out of our comfort zones and trying a new activity could be the key to health, mental and physical.